These dogs are all owned by friends
or family.
This is Bryn. Aaronby bloodlines bred by Lynne, who owns the Keidow Affix. Bryn is a beautiful young man, with a lot of talent, and a great future ahead of him. He is owned by a new friend of mine name of Alayne and her husband Eric. Bryn is such a sweet looking lad.
Bryn recently got himself a new little fur-sister. Her name is Sasha, and she already shows him who is boss, SHE IS!! Here she threatens to choke him!! "I'll get stuck in your throat!"
After a day of hard play, and lots of cuddles and hugs from Alayne and Eric, Bryn and Sasha settle down for a snooze.
Bryn and Sasha have a normal, happy, fun filled puppyhood. Bryn, being a little bigger sometimes wins, but Sasha knows she can bully him, and get away with it. Bryn loves her so much.
Sasha recently started puppy classes, and is doing very well. Bryn, being male, as males are wont to do, gets distracted and manages to mes up sometimes. But he will get there in the end.
