On Monday March 22nd, I had the vet call at my house to send Mishka on her final journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Mishka was nearly 14 yrs old, and apart form chronic CDRM, she was a healthy dog. But the CDRM had progressed so far, and was beginning to become so painful, that she had told me, with her eyes, that she had had enough. That she wanted to go.
Mishka was euthanised here, at home. Lying on my lap, hearing the other dogs, being cuddled and kissed and loved.
We will never forget Mishka. She was the most gentle and loving dog I have ever known. She taught numerous children to walk. She didn't care if they grabbed her ears, her tail, her tongue, to balance themselves. She would take the tiniest steps, and encourage them to come along with her. She loved nothing more then being in human company. She loved all people.
Run to the Rainbow Bridge, Mishka sweetie. We will meet again.